EFT Practitioners Training
EFT Practitioners Training
EFT Tapping -
Why You Should Take Training Courses To Become EFT Practitioners.
So you have arrived at this page because you are interested in learning more about EFT and possibly becoming Certified EFT Practitioners.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a psychological acupressure technique that helps to optimize your emotional state, thereby improving your physical and mental well being. The stress and the physical problems that we experience on a daily basis are directly related to our emotional health condition.
When we are in our prime emotional health state, we would only concentrate on the positive aspects of our life, we would also start loving ourselves. With the help of EFT, an overweight person can lose his craving for food through a gradual and systematic process. If you are experiencing pain from physical ailments then learning and doing eft tapping on a regular basis would you reduce the pain .
EFT draws effective theories from acupuncture, NLP - (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Energy Medicine, and Thought Field Therapy. EFT focuses on a tapping and releasing Energy through body's Energy Meridians points.
Eft uses the power of affirmation and while rubbing or tapping your body where specific Energy Meridian End Points are located. Repeating an orienting affirmation would improve in the generation of positive energy within our self and with eft we can control and prevent the energy flow to different parts of our body.
EFT Practitioners have repeatedly cured many physical and mental disorders.
Traditional acupuncture also uses same energy meridians to direct the flow of energy. But in the case of EFT you do not need any needles to do that. You only need to think in a positive manner on elevating your physical or emotional problem.
Your EFT practitioner would use his fingertips to tap at several places on your hands, head, face and chest to input or regulate energy in specific meridian points. Body’s bio-energy system can be affected by certain strong emotions and experiencing strong emotions would block the flow of energy in our body.
The emotional energy block is eliminated by EFT.
To become successful, EFT practitioners need to learn the techniques of tapping and tapping in the right places. They also need to learn core EFT principles and ways to make the orienting affirmation powerful and effective for their patients.
Learning EFT helps in the healing of various physical or mental problems. You can tap away the tragic memories from your past that prevents you from finding happiness in your life. EFT will help you rediscover your hidden potential. Rediscovering your hidden potential could help you live more fulfilling and happy life.
Traditional therapies fail in recreating the positive emotional state; EFT can help release the negative energy from your body, by doing positive affirmation techniques we are increasing our belief in ourselves. All our issues in life are due to the negative emotional state that we unknowingly developed in our lifestyle.
Health problems caused due to addictions occur in a negative emotional state. A positive emotional state would help you experience a profound satisfaction, so that you don’t feel like taking substitutes like additives to create a sense of satisfaction in your life.
Learning EFT can also be an additional income source. Many EFT practitioners charge $50+ for an EFT session. You can also feel an inner satisfaction because you are using the EFT techniques to create a lasting effect in the life of other people in the society.
The Best Course To Becoming EFT Practitioners
The Best Course To Become an EFT Practitioner should have a formally recognized EFT Certification like EFT Practitioners Certification By the International Metaphysical University and follow the guidelines originally set out by Gary Craig (founder of EFT).
Many EFT courses that are available on the internet may have the variations of the techniques instead of the fundamentals, which the EFT Practitioner himself has added to the core course he is offering. He/She may have added those techniques to the course content because it’s easier for them to implement those techniques or they had created and perfected a set of techniques that are better than the set of fundamental techniques.
You need to follow the techniques devised by Gary Craig and later make modification or changes to underlying course material to suit your needs and purpose. Tapping Therapy Courses are different from EFT and you should avoid taking those courses that only offer Tapping Therapy Courses.
Most of the EFT Training Courses offer online Level 1 and 2 Certification in a virtual online class room and you can communicate directly with the instructor and students in that class. The online EFT training duration should be at least 12 weeks long, and the student is supposed to attend 45 hours of EFT training.
Live workshops can also provide you with enough practical experience needed to practice EFT. Try to take EFT practitioners courses that provide you with a Money-back guarantee.
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