What Every Tapping Practitioner Must Know About Trauma…
EFT Tapping we all know is an incredibly powerful technique. It is both gentle and effective. That being said, because of that it can also "go deep" very quickly and get to core issues and deeply held negative experiences and beliefs formed as a result. What that can mean, is that at the root of a shoulder pain, or a public speaking fear or a food craving can be an old but potent traumatic experience.
Any practitioner at any time can step on "a landmine" and suddenly find their client in in emotional meltdown and possibly an abreaction. How prepared are you for when that happens? It is imperative that anyone who taps with others knows how to regulate a person that has a melt down and know exactly what to do for that person, whether it is to continue working with them or refer them to someone else.EFT trainings by even the best organizations simply do not have time to cover the science, a breadth of techniques that complement tapping, how to handle referral, knowing when to and not to work with a client, teach about the differences that make all the difference with regards to post-traumatic stress, PTSD and Developmental Trauma.
So I wanted to share with you an upcoming program that I thought you needed to know
about. It’s an online webinar training, called Tapping out of Trauma. It’s for EFT and tapping practitioners who want to be able to more effectively assist those clients.
There is a growing world of emerging research in the fields of social neuroscience and somatic approaches for working with trauma that is incredibly relevant to all tapping practitioners. The work of great pioneers like Stephen Porges, Bessel Van der Kolk, Stephen Levine, Dan Siegel who are all doing transformative work with things like Polyvagal Theory, Interpersonal Neurobiology and therapeutic Memory Reconsolidation, are a few of the many current thinkers whose approaches are drawn upon.
It is an 8 week webinar course with video access 24/7 (so your location or schedule won't be a problem), a private Facebook Forum. 3 live Q and A Calls, written support materials, PDFs of all webinars and CEs are available for multiple professions.
“This class should be a prerequisite to certification with EFT and a requirement for anyone who counsels others.” I.B
Honestly, I think you should check this course out. I highly respect the developers and teachers for this course, as do many other experienced EFT practitioners and EFT trainers. You can check it out at http://allaboutefttapping.com/tappingoutoftrauma and sign up for it. The course facilitators are fabulous certified teachers and trainers in the fields of EFT and Trauma work, Dr Craig Weiner and Suzanne Fageol. Their last class was sold out and received fabulous reviews…
“The information is contemporary, high quality, and presented with examples that allow the learner to integrate it and apply it in everyday use.”
“A really enlightening course. It gave me a much deeper understanding of trauma, how it gets stuck, and the most effective ways to get unstuck. Thank you!"
"The course is presented in a logical, easy to follow format and uses detailed case histories to make the concepts meaningful and memorable. Every client gives his or her individualized clues to go ahead, to slow down, to back up, to change course, to stop, to use another tool, or to refer. Tapping Out of Trauma offers state of the art, up to date, useful information, reminders and additional tools to recognize and address those clues. Helpful information for all practitioners and gives terrific summary and the newest concepts for addressing trauma for even the most experienced therapist.” Ann Adams, LCSW, DCEP, ACP-EFT, EFT-Honors
All I can say is, don’t miss this opportunity to find out more about this program and have access to the free call.
Best Wishes,
How to Heal a Painful Memory with EFT Tapping Therapy (Basic and Advanced)
What Every Tapping Practitioner Must Know About Trauma… — No Comments
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