FasterEFT Explained
FasterEFT Explained
This article was submitted by Eric Robins and written by Marna L’Amie for Living Natural First magazine
I teach and write on how to prevent illness; how to reverse illness once it has started; and how to heal by natural methods—not by drugs, medication or surgery, but by what we eat and by being aware of and avoiding the toxins all around us (in our food and in our environment).
It is simple education. It is not being brainwashed by corporate entities’ fault and misleading marketing and advertising campaigns that brings them revenue and hurt public health. I find that there are a number of methods of healing and a variety of practitioners who are achieving that goal. It is like the wheel of a bicycle—every spoke leads into the center of the wheel.
You will find acu-pressurists, acu-puncturists, chiropractors, massage therapists, nutritionists, laser therapists, bio-energy testing, physical therapists, prolozone therapists, holistic doctors, naturopathic doctors, and cutting-edge alternative and integrative doctors all addressing healing from different directions. With this in mind, I am continually researching and hearing about new modalities. I have recently been studying a method that has been practiced and perfected over the past twelve years, but is now just coming into my awareness sphere.
FasterEFT Explained
This technique is an outgrowth of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and is called “FasterEFT.” I was first introduced to FasterEFT by my nephew, Dr. Eric Robins. He is a urological surgeon affiliated with a large medical group in Los Angeles.
Dr. Robins has spent the past 20 years incorporating alternative and mind-body healing modalities into his allopathic (conventional medicine) practice. He studied Neuro-linguistic Programming, Pranic Healing, hypnosis, and the original EFT.
Just over a year ago he discovered FasterEFT and it blew his socks off because he found it to be the ultimate synthesis of all of the other modalities he had studied previously.
This is a system that enables physical healing as a result of clearing emotional issues.
As Robert G. Smith, the developer of FasterEFT teaches, “The mind is the body, and the body is the mind.” What this means is that what we think about in our mind is reflected in the physical body via the body’s meridian system. And, because stress is our body’s reaction to perception, then as we change what we hold within, our perceptions change and our stress levels go down significantly.
Click Here to visit Robert G. Smith's Official Website.
As Dr. Robins explains to his patients, “stress, negative emotions and past traumas aren’t just in our heads, rather they are reflected in the body, frequently in the smooth and skeletal muscles.
Because it isn’t comfortable to think about upsetting things, the muscles clamp down to hold the emotional issues and memories inside, rather than having them come up to our conscious awareness and bother us. And this chronic muscle tension and spasm leads to real physical pain and dysfunction.
So many of the diseases that we see in our medical practice, ranging from headaches to back pain, to fibromyalgia, to irritable bowel syndrome and to overactive bladders, are related to this process.”
Fortunately, FasterEFT addresses the emotional system by first having an excellent understanding of how the mind really works. For example, every decision that you make today is based on your past experiences and the beliefs and emotions that stemmed from those past experiences. And while we consciously know that past memories are over and are no longer real, they certainly feel real because they carry an emotional charge.
Click Here to visit Robert G. Smith's Official Website.
FasterEFT Explained By tapping on certain acupuncture meridian points while focusing on the painful memories, the emotions are released. As the emotional charge drops off of past traumas, our entire way of viewing them and understanding their meaning changes, in what is called “reframing.” Furthermore, the content of an entire memory can actually be changed, so that what felt bad or limiting before can now be a source of strength or inspiration.
With this process, we can transform panic, fear and anxiety into freedom, calmness, well-being and even laughter. And as the emotions are released, the body is able to relax into a wonderful healing state.
To keep the healing going after a session, the FasterEFT practitioner will teach you how to tap on certain facial and arm meridian points with your own fingers, what to say to yourself along with the “tapping” to remove the emotions and then instruct you on how to change the picture of the memory you have been harboring in your mind’s eye for years. It is a simple and easy process and takes little time. It is acupressure with an attitude!!
It is truly a miracle…hard to believe until you observe or experience it yourself.
Three different problems that had disturbed and weighed on me since I was a child have been completely resolved and erased by one of these practitioners, Gerard Robins (FasterEFT certified Level II Practitioner), so I know that it is not a fallacy. (I use myself as a guinea-pig with new processes that my research turns up.)
FasterEFT practitioners realize that, although many well-meaning standard medicine doctors today do believe in some sort of mind-body connection, these medical providers just don’t know where to proceed, and many are scared about opening a “Pandora’s Box” of emotional turmoil. Also, according to Dr. Robins, typically neither psychiatric medications nor standard talk therapies will clear the emotional issues at a deep enough level to get physiological shifts and physical healing.
Happily, FasterEFT training gets one well-prepared to deal with a wide variety of emotional issues. Even very serious cases of childhood sexual or physical abuse can be dealt with using this technique. And it has also been used very effectively with wartime Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Click Here to visit Robert G. Smith's Official Website.
Unfortunately, as with many new modalities, it takes time for them to be welcomed into the mainstream, although on a national level, these techniques are being looked at by the Veteran’s Administration and there have been some studies showing the efficacy of these meridian-tapping therapies that have been published in peer review journals.
To learn more, you can go to the official website of Robert G. Smith, creator of FasterEFT at, or to his YouTube channel healing magic
FasterEFT addresses the mind/body connection to give you control of your thoughts and emotions. It’s like acupressure with an attitude, which enables the conscious and unconscious mind to communicate with each other and the body to reduce stress and relieve physical and emotional symptoms. FasterEFT…
Eric Robins
Living Natural First magazine, PO Box 234, Springtown, Texas 76082, 817-220-1941,
Writer: Marna L’Amie,
Publisher: Bob Funcannon
FasterEFT Explained
Medical EFT FasterEFT with Dr. Eric Robins
Click Here to visit Robert G. Smith's Official Website.
Eric Robins,MD - discussing how illness occurs.
Click Here to visit Robert G. Smith's Official Website.
Why are you Addicted? How to free yourself by changing your mind. Faster EFT tapping solution.
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