Quantum Physics and EFT – Creating Positive Energy

Quantum Physics and EFT – Creating Positive Energy
Have you ever thought about quantum physics so much that it has done your head in? Let me expound on the theory of being made up of “energy”–and I don’t mean the kind you get when you drink a can of caffeine.
Before quantum physics came along, matter was seen as unchanging in a solid state. Those who are familiar with quantum physics believe that the world is composed of electromagnetic energy (In atomic and subatomic particles). Theoretically, quantum physics can tell us the following:
1. An individual’s consciousness affects the state of subatomic particles
2. The universe splits in Planck time
3. Atomic and Subatomic particles move forwards and backwards
4. The universe is interconnected
Before you stop reading out of boredom, which most people do, let me give you an analogy of what I am talking about. Think of a fan. The power is switched on and the blades spin quickly. It appears that the blades are one solid object, but when you unplug the fan, you begin seeing the space in between the blades. Aha! The fan is not a solid object. It only appears that way because it is in motion.
Now, think of atomic and subatomic particles in the same way. They move so quickly that you see a solid object. This surfaces the question: “Is our world just an illusion?” There are many interpretations from scientists on quantum physics, so you’d have to keep an open mind and analyse different perspectives. I love reading about superstring theories, dimensions, and aliens! Who doesn’t?
One question I have always had in quantum physics is that if there are subatomic and atomic particles that can move freely and move from one place to another, then why can’t we, who are in solid states do the same? Think about it! We could be in two places at once or pass through impenetrable barriers! I don’t even think we’d need Superman anymore (or would we?).
Anyway. Quantum physics have been proven real, many times. If you research the European robin, you’ll find it incredibly amazing that it has a sixth sense. The robin knows exactly when and where to migrate because it has a protein in its eye that is sensitive to the earth’s magnetic field.
This brings me to another aspect of quantum physics: the effective field theory. An individual’s conscious is so powerful that it can attract or repel like energy (particles in quantum physics).
The law of attraction states that we attract like-minded people and we admire their action that we admire in ourselves. If we focus on a goal and visualise achieving that goal, we are more than likely going to get what we want. You can’t fool quantum physics and create a world around you where you’re happy go lucky all the time, when you’re really not. You actually have to have that mind-set and have positive energy around you.
Effective field theory is associated with #4 from the earlier list above. The universe is interconnected. I have been doing much research on quantum physics and EFT because it is just something that I am extremely interested in. One thing that I did find interesting is that a unified energy field can be changed through changing our behaviour. Dr. Lipton, who wrote “The Biology of Belief” highlights the fact that:
The subconscious mind, one of the most powerful information processors we know, specifically observes both the surrounding world and the body’s internal awareness, reads the environmental cues and immediately engages previously acquired (learned) behaviours–all without the help, supervision, or even awareness of the conscious mind.
If you deviate from something that you do on a daily basis, or even quite often, it can change an energy field. Maybe I should stop eating chocolate every other night and focus on going to the gym. I would have to have a positive mindset that it is going to improve my health. I would have to actually believe it and visualise myself after going to the gym numerous times. If I deviate from going after making myself go, the particles and energy around you go back to the previous state…which would be me eating more chocolate! Mmmm.
I firmly believe that our beliefs are held in our subconscious mind and it greatly affects the way we live our life. When almost everyone told me that I couldn’t use hypnobirthing and deliver my daughter naturally without almost any pain, I didn’t listen to them. I am very proud to say that I did it and I believe that it had a lot to do with the training that my coach, Michelle Smith had given to me at the time. The subconscious mind is very powerful and I believe that a lot of people underestimate it.
If only more people would try to focus on their inner world, their outer world would be a lot more manageable! Let’s get those subatomic and atomic particles dancin’! Create some positive energy and live a little. Oh, and by the way, if you’d like more information on quantum physics and EFT, e-mail me at ashleyeriblake@gmail.com and I’ll give you information on the course I’m registered in at MIT.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/quantum-physics-eft-creating-positive-energy-ashley-blake-mba/
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